Del Mar, CA
Southern California Edison
February 2006 to March 2012
The san Dieguito Wetlands Restoration Project was constructed in the San Dieguito River Park contiguous to the San Dieguito River in Del Mar, CA and included the construction of a segment of the coast to crest trail. This design-bid-build project included new construction, repair, and renovation of multiple facets of heavy horizontal and civil engineering construction including: 1,800,000 CY of earth moved, 600 LF Drop Structure/Weir/Check Dam construction, 8,000 LF of levee embankment, 15,000 LF of channels, 3,500 LF of rock facing erosion control, ten miles of BMP erosion controls including straw wattles and silt fences, 50 acres of salt water retention basins, multiple storm water management structures, 2.5 miles of stabilized decomposed granite park trail with 16,000 LF wooden lodge pole fencing, 2,000 LF of elevated environmentally friendly recycled plastic Trex walkway , 300,000 native plants planted and maintained, 10,000 LF of irrigation installed, renovation of a timber bridge, 400,000, beach sand replenishment, and 40 acres of bird nesting sites.